General informations
- Administrative offices: Corso Strada Nuova, 65 - 27100 Pavia Google map
- Tel. +39-0382984313
- Tel. +39-0382984626
- Fax. 0382.984451/0382.27202
Director: Prof.ssa Cristina Campiglio
Vice-Direttor: Prof. Andrea Gratteri
Administrative Secretary, Coordination: Dott.ssa Francesca Capuano
The long tradition of the Department of Law dates to the founding of the university itself, in 1361, and continues today through innovative methods of teaching and research.
The departmental administrative offices, library and professor’s offices are housed in the historic central building of the university, at Corso Strada Nuova 65. Classrooms are also located in the main building and in the nearby San Tommaso complex.