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Request for services

Services are provided subject to joint voluntary application. The application procedure is simple: for information and costs, contact Associate Professor Marco Ferrares, President, Employment Contract Certification Commission:

Services offered

The services of the Certification Commission include:

  • consultancy on contract specification; -
  • evaluation/certification of:
  1. subordinate, para-subordinate and autonomous employment contracts; "flexible" employment contracts; labour supply contracts; tender contracts and subcontracts; contracts concerning operations in confined spaces; regulations on cooperatives; employee transfer and reposting;
  2. clauses concerning just cause and justified reason for withdrawal from the employment contract;
  3. waivers and settlements pursuant to Article 2113 of the Italian Civil Code;
  4. changes to duties pursuant to Article 2103, paragraph 6 of the Italian Civil Code;
  5. “flexibility” clauses in part-time employment contracts pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 81/2015;
  6. Clauses on arbitration in labour disputes pursuant to Law no. 183/2010;
  7. conciliation and arbitration in labour disputes, pursuant to Law No 183/2010.

What is contract certification?

The certification of employment contracts, introduced by Legislative decree no. 276 of 10 September 2003, aims at the reduction of the considerable frequency of litigations arising from employment contracts, by clearly establishing the rights and obligations of each party from the beginning of the relationship, thereby guaranteeing the legal effects of the contractual text for both parties. The University of Pavia Certification Commission was enrolled in the Register of University Certification Commissions by Ministry of Labour and Social Policies Directorial decree no. 56 of 23 May 2011.

Benefits of certification

The commission, composed of specialists in labour law, provides evaluation and certification of any contract directly or indirectly inferring an employment service. The certification of the contract provides the parties with greater certainty about its legal effects, and also obligates third parties (e.g. social security and tax authorities, inspection services) to respect the contract, until a court of law rules otherwise. Moreover, in the event of a dispute, the parties to the contract are obligated to first resort to conciliation with the commission that originally certified the contract.