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Un diploma d'istruzione di scuola Secondaria Superiore o un titolo di studio equipollente conseguito all'estero e riconosciuto dalle leggi vigenti. Non sono richiesti specifici requisiti di accesso, vista l'assenza del Diritto alla maggior parte dei curricula scolastici.

E' tuttavia auspicabile che lo studente possieda un'adeguata cultura generale, nonché buone capacità lessicali e logico-argomentative

I Corsi di studio prevedono una prova orientativa di ingresso non selettiva limitata a coloro che abbiano conseguito un diploma d'istruzione secondaria superiore con punteggio inferiore a 70/100.

I candidati valutati dopo tale prova e giudicati non idonei sono gravati da debito formativo. Il debito viene saldato grazie alle strutture didattiche di supporto in tempo utile per sostenere la prima sessione d'esame.

National regulations on bachelor’s programs in Legal services sciences and Law on prevention and safety, and single-cycle master’s programs in Law require that all incoming students with final secondary-school grades of less than 70/100 take a preliminary exam for evaluation of their preparation (Ministerial decree 270/2004). It should be noted that the test is not used for purposes of student selection, however it is compulsory. Those who do not take the test will be immediately assigned the educational debt and consequent responsibilities, as described below.

The test consists of 40 multiple-choice questions, mostly designed to demonstrate the student’s ability to understand a specific text. A lesser share questions test knowledge of the Italian language, culture, contemporary history, and the student’s ability in logic. The student has one hour to complete the exam, and a total of 26 or more correct answers is considered “passed”.

Failure to pass or to participate in the test results in the assignment of an educational debt. Until the student compensates the debt, they will be barred from participating in exam sessions, beginning those at the end of the first semester, in mid-December.

To make up the debt, the student must attend the group meetings composing a tutored course. These take a practical approach to the reading and analysis of a series of passages, assisted by the tutors. The course introduces students to the fundamental skills for analysing and understanding a text, and assists them in gaining awareness of the importance of developing a general historical and cultural frame of reference within which the information acquired through readings and discourse can be placed and acquire meaning. Students are supported by tutors with specific expertise in accompanying the learning processes and in broadening the individual’s cultural background through direction towards suitable study methods and texts.

The student’s educational debt is erased by active participation in the course, thereby guaranteeing access to exams, and eventually enrolment in the second year of the degree course.

Students taking the preliminary test are provided with excerpts from manuals, popular books, newspaper and magazine articles. Most of the 40 test questions concern text comprehension, while others deal with general culture, logic, Italian language and contemporary history. Most questions related to the excerpts provided.

Students may prepare for the test by reviewing and practicing using copies of the quizzes from previous years.

Past quizzes can be accessed here:

Try the test

Students may also find hard-copy and online test collections for practice in text comprehension and verbal reasoning. These resources include, among others:

  1. Quiz di logica e test psicoattitudinali, ed. Maggioli, 2012, spec. pp. 139-156 (cap. Grammatica); pp. 157-172 (Comprensione verbale); pp. 217-250 (Ragionamento critico verbale);
  2. Test psicoattitudinali, ed. Simone, 2012, spec. pp. 290-325 (Ragionamento critico-verbale; Ragionamento verbale; comprensione verbale);
  3. Le chiavi di tutti i test psicoattitudinali, ed. Simone, 2009, spec. pp. 173-182 (Sinonimi); pp. 183-194 (Contrari); pp. 245-270 (Comprensione di brani);
  4. Nuovi test logico-attitudinali, ed. Simone, 2012, spec. pp. 7-74 (Abilità linguistico-verbali):
  5. I test per la prova attitudinale, ed. Simone, 2011, spec. pp. 103-142 (Comprensione verbale); pp. 447-518 (Ragionamento critico-verbale);
  6. Eserciziario per i test psicoattitudinali, ed. Alpha Test, 2012, spec. pp. 3-46 (Logica verbale).

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For students enrolling after 4 October 2024, the test will be on:

  • Tuesday 14 January 2025, 10.00 a.m. Aula VI di Giurisprudenza.


The Department will publish the calendar and procedures for remedial courses:

  • pursuant to the 4 October 2024 test, by mid-October 2024.
  • pursuant to the 14 January 2025 test, by mid-January 2025.

Candidates must present valid personal identification.

Students with a previous career with the University of Pavia or another Italian university are not required to take the test.





Il corso di recupero al test di ingresso del 9 ottobre 2024 si svolgerà secondo il seguente calendario: