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Postgraduate course in Labour law

The postgraduate course in Labour law, directed by Professor Mariella Magnani and now in its thirteenth edition, provides in-depth study and learning on the fundamental aspects of the discipline of private and public employment.

The course is aimed at professionals holding degrees in law, labour consulting, accounting, and at other professionals operating in private and public sectors, such as trade unionists, personnel managers, human resources and industrial relations officers, public officials, whose role requires constant updating, information and learning in the changes and transformations affecting employment law and, particularly in the current period of strong transition and innovation.

The course is also aimed at new graduates wishing to achieve specific technical and institutional skills for more effective entry into the labour market, including in preparation for public-employment competitions. The educational approach is attentive to the application profiles of the relevant public institutions, to practices and case law guidelines.

The postgraduate program includes 63 hours of lectures and seminars, with a total value of seven university credits (CFUs). Attendance is compulsory for at least 75% of the total number of hours.


CEDANT College on Roman Law

The University of Pavia Centre for Studies and Research on Ancient Law engages in research and advanced education in the fields of Roman and other ancient law. Every two years, in partnership with Ghislieri College, also of Pavia, CEDANT offers a “College on Ancient Law”, drawing in particular on the important Ghislieri library, founded on the basis of the collections of Pietro Ciapessoni, rector of the University of Pavia from 1914 to 1943.

The educational qualities of the College of Ancient Law are highly regarded by the international scientific community. Students first participate in college sessions and activities that integrate advanced with research and then proceed to individual research projects, presenting their results in collegial discussion of professors, instructors and students in September of the college year. Subject to approval, the written research reports are published by the Pavia University Press.

The College is held every two years. The fourteenth edition was held in 2018. The fifteenth edition, focusing on Roman civil process, has been postponed to 2022.