Article 68 of Presidential decree no. 382 of 11 July 1980 established the academic qualification of Doctorate in the fields of scientific research; Article 1 of Law no. 341 of 19 November 1990 provides further specific identification among university qualifications, and further significant changes were made by Ministerial Decree no. 45 of 8 February 2013.
Admission to the Doctoral program is subject to the prerequisite of the five-year single-cycle Master’s degree or Master’s specialisation. The study program involves research and writing of a thesis consisting of an original contribution to knowledge in a single discipline or multidisciplinary fields.
The announcement of the competition for entry to the program indicates the number of places available, both with and without bursaries. Admission is also based on qualifications judged by means of a written exam and an oral examination before a designated committee, different for each program within each university.
The UNIPV Rector confers the Doctorate title by decree, following favourable preliminary assessment of the candidate's thesis by two experts and subsequently by a specifically appointed committee.
The UNIPV offers two PhD programs in the field of law:
Former UNIPV doctoral programs in law, no longer active, can be consulted here: