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Pavia-Würzburg Summer School on Language and Law

Deadline 26 July 2024

The course will focus on English legal language applied to the study of European Union law and is designed to enable students and professionals who already possess a basic knowledge of English to improve their knowledge of legal English, which is necessary to enter an increasingly internationalized professional world. The teaching activity will be carried out by University lecturers of legal English and of European Union Law, and high-ranking officials from the European Union. The co-existence of native English-speaking lecturers, law lecturers and officials is aimed at providing a training that is both legal and linguistic, theoretical and practical. Teaching will therefore be articulated both in face-to-face classes and in practical exercises and writing workshops.

La European, Master & Training Desk della Camera di Commercio Belga-Italiana di Bruxelles, un ente che da più di 25 anni si occupa, oltre che di internazionalizzazione delle imprese italiane, anche di formazione nell’ambito dell’europogrettazione, presenta  la 23° edizione della Summer School in Cooperazione allo Sviluppo organizzata dalla Camera di Commercio Belgo-Italiana in collaborazione con l’Associazione Diritti Umani Per La Promozione E La Difesa Dei Diritti Fondamentali Dell'Uomo (A.D.U.) e l’Associazione Giuristi Siciliani (A.GIU.S.), grazie ai quali il corso è in fase di accreditamento presso il Consiglio Nazionale Forense. 

Come dalla locandina allegata, la Summer School in Cooperazione allo Sviluppo si svolgerà a Bruxelles dal 10 al 21 luglio 2023, presso il Training Centre della Camera di Commercio situato in Rue de la Loi 26. Il corso aspira a offrire ai giovani laureati e laureandi l'opportunità di apprendere a livello teorico e tecnico tutti gli aspetti della politica europea di cooperazione allo sviluppo internazionale e dei relativi programmi di finanziamento. La Summer School offre inoltre la possibilità di seguire Conferenze e visite alle Istituzioni Europee e mette a disposizione di due studenti meritevoli del corso una borsa di studio per svolgere uno stage in Belgio e uno in Argentina

Le procedure di iscrizione sono online. Per procedere è necessario compilare, entro il 10 giugno, il form che trovate al seguente link:  

Organizzano regolarmente delle sessioni informative gratuite su Zoom alle quali gli studenti possono partecipare per avere maggiori informazioni e che pubblicizziamo sui nostri canali social (Instagram: @cciebruxelles // Facebook: Camera Di Commercio Belgo-Italiana // Linkedin: Camera di Commercio Belgo-Italiana | Belgian-Italian Chamber of Commerce)

Per maggiori informazioni è inoltre possibile visitare il nostro sito web oppure contattare il Desk Formazione all’indirizzo 

CALL FOR APPLICATION - Technological Innovation and Law (TIL) 2023 - Climate Change Challenge for Law, Human Brain and AI - PROROGA SCADENZA ISCRIZIONI AL 8 FEBBRAIO 2023

Il Centro di Ricerca Interdipartimentale dell'Università di Pavia European Centre for Law, Science and New Technologies (ECLT), in collaborazione con l'Istituto Universitario di Studi Superiori (IUSS) di Pavia e il Collegio Ghislieri di Pavia, organizza per il sesto anno consecutivo il corso "Technological Innovation and Law (TIL) 2023", sul tema "Climate Change Challenge for Law, Human Brain and AI". Il corso si svolgerà presso il Collegio Ghislieri dal 13 al 17 febbraio 2023. Il corso è aperto agli studenti del 4° e del 5° anno di Giurisprudenza e ai laureati in Giurisprudenza (dottorandi, assegnisti, ricercatori, avvocati).  La domanda di partecipazione dovrà essere presentata entro il 8 febbraio 2023Il corso è interamente in lingua inglese.

Maggiori informazioni al sito TIL 2023: Climate Change Challenge for Law, Human Brain and AI | Dipartimento di Biologia e Biotecnologie “Lazzaro Spallanzani” (

Call for Applications (30 positions; five fee exemptions will be granted to best students; two of them are reserved to best ELSA students)

Entirely online from September 13th to 16th 2021, from 3 pm to 7 pm 

Deadline for registration:  July 12th 2021 (A special “early bird” fee is offered to all participants who register before June 13th, 2021)

The School is organized by the Department of Law of the University of Pavia, and the Interdepartmental Research Center European Center for Law Science and New Technologies (ECLT) in cooperation with

Collegio Ghislieri, Pavia

University School for Advanced Studies, IUSS Pavia

European Law Students Association (ELSA) 

Directors: prof. Amedeo Santosuosso (ECLT, UNIPV), prof. Carlo Granelli (Department of Law, UNIPV), prof. Gabriella Bottini (Department of Brain and Behavioral Sciences (DBBS).

  • Inspiration and Objective

New technologies are changing the practice of law and the meaning of being a lawyer today. Artificial intelligence and machine learning systems, big data analytics, document builder systems, online legal assistance, blockchain, smart contracts - that is, legal technological innovation - have opened up new legal scenarios and are posing profound theoretical challenges.

The intensive course Human Brain-AI-Law (TIL 2021) offers a unique insight into the connections between the activity of the human brain, the models by which AI tools are designed, and how they impact on humans. Will we be replaced or complemented by these technologies? What paths is the current AI regulatory effort taking? How are legal studies reconsidering the way law is conceived and conceptualized?

TIL 2021 aims to provide master's students, doctoral students, young researchers, and early-career professionals with first-hand knowledge of advanced technological tools, as well as an essential overview of the legal implications arising from these technological innovations.

An international faculty and legal professionals teach the program.

  • Why should I apply for the intensive course?

TIL 2021 offers the opportunity to gain insights on how the legal environment is changing, as well as to explore new possibilities of technological applications to legal professions and in the academia.

  • Can I apply?

TIL 2021 is open to master degree students, PhD students, young researchers and early career professionals.

  • How to apply

The application form can be downloaded from the following website:

  • Deadline for registration:  July 12th 2021.

The selection will be based on the CV and an interview. The interview will be held via Zoom.

  • Dates and place

The intensive course Human brain-AI-Law (TIL 2021) is jointly hosted by the University of Pavia, Department of Law, and the University School for Advanced Studies IUSS Pavia, in cooperation with the Interdepartmental Research Center European Center for Law Science and New Technologies (ECLT) and the Collegio Ghislieri. It will be entirely online from September 13th to 16th 2021, from 3 pm to 7 pm (CET).

80% attendance is mandatory..

  • Costs and scholarships

The registration fee is € 300,00 and covers the tuition and the course materials. A special “early bird” fee of € 200 is offered to all participants who register before June 13th, 2021.

Five fee exemptions will be granted to best students; two of them are reserved to best ELSA students.

  • Selection procedure and criteria

An appointed committee will select the candidates on the basis of: a) curriculum vitae; b) fluency in English; c) academic and/or professional experience d) short motivation letter (max. 10 lines). Interviews will be held via Zoom by July 20th 2021.


The list of selected participants will be published on the course by the end of July 2021.

  • Evaluation and Certificate of attendance

Participants who successfully attend the course will be awarded with a ‘Certificate of attendance’.

Upon request submitted by the student, each Faculty may provide a grade based on ECTS standards and criteria for participation in the course.

Further Information:

Maria Laura Fiorina (PhD):