Bachelor in Legal Services Sciences
The Bachelor of Legal Services Sciences is awarded subsequent to a three-year program conforming with the Italian national L-14 classification of degrees in legal services.
The Ministerial decree of 16 March 2007 defines the educational objectives for such programs as: acquisition of a secure command of the main knowledge relating to the legal area and the ability to apply the relevant legislation, in particular in the historical-philosophical, private, public, procedural, criminal and international, as well as institutional, economic, comparative and EU areas; ability to effectively use a language of the European Union in addition to Italian; attainment of adequate communication and information management skills.
This program and those of Bachelor’s in Law on Prevention and Safety and the single-cycle Master’s degree in Law share the same first-year courses. The prerequisites for registration are an Italian secondary-school diploma or other equivalent qualification obtained abroad, recognised as suitable by the laws in force. adequate general education, good logical-argumentative skills and linguistic comprehension.
The duration of the study program is three years, during which the student must accrue at least 180 university credits (CFUs).
Bachelor in Law on prevention and safety
The Bachelor’s of in Law on Prevention and Safety is awarded subsequent to a three-year program conforming with the Italian national L-14 classification of degrees in Legal Services Sciences. The program, organised in cooperation with the National Corps of Carabinieri, provides education for the role of security professionals operating in the public and private sectors: able to understand the context and organisation of companies and administrations, analyse national and international scenarios, identify and assess risks, construct policy strategies and risk prevention procedures, recognise and manage crisis and emergency situations.
Theoretical learning is complemented by practical training aimed at acquiring the necessary operational skills, with the support of the Carabinieri, State Police and Financial Guard, as well as individual security professionals.
This program and those of Bachelor’s in Legal Services Sciences and the single-cycle master’s degree in Law share the same first-year courses. The prerequisites for registration are an Italian secondary-school diploma or other equivalent qualification obtained abroad, recognised as suitable by the laws in force. adequate general education, good logical-argumentative skills and linguistic comprehension.
The second and third years provide specific education on management of prevention and safety. Students study law on occupational health and safety and on environmental safety; criminology and investigative techniques; operational intervention techniques for protection of internal and external security; cybersecurity; the rights to confidentiality of company information and personal data; preventive law, in particular in the field of procurement; protection of strategic company assets. Students will also personalise their education programs by choosing from a series of optional courses.
Graduation requires the accrual of at least 180 university credits (CFUs).
Il vecchio Corso di laurea quadriennale in Giurisprudenza, il Corso di laurea triennale in Scienze giuridiche e il Corso di laurea specialistica (biennale) in Giurisprudenza non sono più attivati e risultano ora corsi ad esaurimento per gli studenti iscrittisi entro l’anno accademico, rispettivamente, 2000-2001, 2005-2006 e 2008-2009.