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For more than 30 years, the Department of Law and the University of Pavia as a whole have actively promoted study, research and work experiences for enrichment of personal experience and professional growth, through numerous cooperation agreements with public and private entities, exchange projects promoting incoming and outgoing mobility, and constant involvement in scientific and educational cooperation with other countries.

The objectives and general framework of some of these activities are governed by Regulation (EU) 2021/817 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 2021 establishing Erasmus+: the Union Program for Education, Training, Youth and Sport.

One of the key elements of the Department of Law international study programs is Erasmus+:

Erasmus+ Traineeship supports two to 12 month work placements, internships and other traineeships abroad for students from all courses of study.

Erasmus+ traineeships support international student mobility for students registered in the bachelor’s programs in the Legal Services Sciences, Law on Prevention and Safety, and the Department of Law doctoral programs. The program is not applicable in first years of the single-cycle master’s nor the bachelor’s programs. Other criteria include good knowledge of the host country or teaching language.

The program is not available to students who benefit, in the same period of study, from a contribution from other programs or actions financed by the European Commission, nor to students who have already participated in any of the Erasmus, Erasmus Placement/Traineeship or Erasmus Overseas programs for a period exceeding 12 months (24 months for the single-cycle Master’s program) in their current degree program.

The mobility period may focus on formal education, on research, or on include both.

The student proposing a study period abroad meets with the Department Coordinator for agreement on a course program at the host university, in complement to their UNIPV study plan (Learning Agreement). At the end of the stay abroad, the host university issues a Transcript of Records; the Departmental Council decides on the recognition of the exams passed, attributing the relative CFUs.

Education in the following subjects is specific and irreplaceable for knowledge of the Italian legal system; any examinations taken abroad cannot be validated as equivalent (Article 17 of the teaching regulations):

  • Administrative Law, Civil Law,
  • Commercial Law, Constitutional Law,
  • Labour Law, International Law (note),
  • Criminal Law,
  • Civil Procedure Law,
  • Tax Law,
  • Private Law Institutions I and II,
  • Criminal Procedure.

Thesis research

The student proposing thesis research abroad meets with the Department Coordinator for agreement on the thesis subject, and the details of their research activities (Learning Agreement).
