The single-cycle Master’s program in Law is a five-year degree program conforming with the Italian national classification of LMG/01 master's degrees in Law.
The Ministerial decree of 25 November 2005 defines the educational objectives for such programs as: in-depth learning on the essential elements of and European legal culture, including through case study techniques and methodologies, contributing to understanding and evaluative capacities in the principles and institutes of positive law; development of in-depth knowledge enabling the evaluation of the institutes of positive law in the perspective of their historical evolution; achievement of the ability to produce clear, relevant, well-argued and effective legal texts in relation to the contexts of use, including through use of computer tools; achievement of the interpretative skills, skills in case analysis, legal qualification, comprehension, representation, evaluation and awareness to be able to address problems of interpretation and application of law; development of capacities for continuous upgrading in skills. In terms of career qualifications, the Ministerial decree of 25 November 2005 provides that graduates in this program should be capable of entering the legal professions and the judiciary, as well as entering into employment and carrying out other activities of high responsibility in the various fields of social, socio-economic and political activity, or in institutions, public administrations, private companies, trade unions, in the fields of information technology law, comparative, international and European Community law, as well as in international organisations where the lawyer's ability to analyse, evaluate and make decisions proves to be fruitful, even outside the scope of his sectoral knowledge.
La laurea magistrale in Giurisprudenza offre
- 5 diversi indirizzi: economico, internazionale, forense, amministrativo e storico
- lezioni con lavagne interattive multimediali e su piattaforma di e-learning
- insegnamenti English friendly
- Winter Schools, Moot Courts Competitions, laboratori didattici e di scrittura giuridica,
- cliniche legali
- nuovi insegnamenti (Introduzione al diritto tedesco e al suo linguaggio; Essere un legale della Fashion Luxury Industry; Diritto di internet e media digitali)
La rete di collegi universitari e di strutture per lo studio e lo sport fa di Pavia una realtà unica in Italia.
Il vecchio Corso di laurea quadriennale in Giurisprudenza, il Corso di laurea triennale in Scienze giuridiche e il Corso di laurea specialistica (biennale) in Giurisprudenza non sono più attivati e risultano ora corsi ad esaurimento per gli studenti iscrittisi entro l’anno accademico, rispettivamente, 2000-2001, 2005-2006 e 2008-2009.